Monday, November 19, 2007

ISED-L/tech packages as part of financial aid offering


I am wondering if your school has a comprehensive technology package in place for students receiving financial aid. By comprehensive, I mean including such items as geek squad support in setting up on internet connection, basic computer/internet/printing
access, and adequate exposure/mastery of keyboarding skills (in light of tablets), and internet safety instruction.

What do your financial aid packages include/exclude? How would you define "basic computer/internet access" in today's world? Is wireless, high-speed internet access essential? How do you make sure kids coming into your school at grades beyond third can
keep up with keyboarding and internet safety expectations?

Thanks, in advance, for your reply! I do appreciate hearing your thoughts.

Kind regards,
Lee Nelms
Director of Technology and Communication
The Langley School
1411 Balls Hill Road
McLean, VA 22101
(703) 356-1920 x731
(703) 790-9712 - fax
(703) 927-2849 - cell

"If we teach today like we did yesterday, we rob our children of tomorrow."
~John Dewey

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