Monday, November 26, 2007

Re: Frequency of advisor group meetings

Our Middle School (grade 5-8) meet 4 times a week for 20 min in the
morning for homeroom, Wed morning for Chapel (division wide announcements,
etc) and once a week on Friday's for Homeroom/Study Hall. Occasionally one
of these can b used for a graderoom (full class meeting). We meet once a
year with advisees to go over grades for 20/advisee and once per year for
student-led parent conferences (incl. parents , advisees and advisor) in
grades 6-8.

Our Upper School meets 2 days a s week for 20 minutes for homeroom, once
per week 20 minutes for Chapel and once a week for either graderoom or
community meeting (division wide performance/presentation). They meet once
a year with advisees to go over grades for 20/advisee.

Imani Romney-Rosa
Middle School Technology Specialist
Packer Collegiate Institute
Brooklyn, NY 11201
PH: 718 250 0339

A forum for independent school educators <ISED-L@LISTSERV.SYR.EDU> on
Monday, November 26, 2007 at 8:56 AM -0500 wrote:
>Hello everyone,
>I am interested in how meetings with teacher/advisor groups are scheduled
>and the duration of these meetings (our TAG committee and we are currently
>looking at these questions). I know, the answer is often "it depends", but
>we are worried about over scheduling and also balancing teacher workload
>with the need to meet with advisees.
>Thanks in advance,
>B. Rilling
>Selwyn House School
>95 Cote St. Antoine
>Westmount, QC
>H3Y 2H8
>(514) 931 9481 x 2281
>fax (514) 931 6118
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