Friday, November 16, 2007

Re: Please consider joining the new "Independent School Educators Network"

This same subject of teacher social networks came across our state =
independent listserv where one of our teachers has created a social =
networking site for Virginia Independent Schools at Ning.=20

In addition, there is a less "busy" site set up at for =
connecting with colleagues in a Professional Learning Community. This is =
where we have set up a Tablet PC community for sharing experience in =
blog form which is quite different from the School Computing Wiki =
section on Tablets.

You might want to check that out as well.


Sherry Ward
Alexandria Country Day School

-----Original Message-----
From: A forum for independent school educators on behalf of Fred Bartels
Sent: Fri 11/16/2007 11:19 AM
Subject: Please consider joining the new "Independent School Educators =
Dimitri Orlando has created what has the potential to be a wonderful new
resource for independent school educators.=20

It is a social networking site (yes, something like Facebook, but just =
us) using a service called Ning.

The site could become a resource as useful, in its own way, as the ISED
listserve. However, to do so it needs to have a critical mass of
independent school educators join and participate.=20

Please consider giving it a try. It takes only a few minutes to create =
account. If you don't like the site you can delete your account at any
time. This is a really safe and easy way to give social networking a =
and in the process help develop a great new resource for all of us.

The url to get started is:

Thanks for considering,


Fred Bartels
Dir. of Info. Tech.
Rye Country Day School

Dimitri's original announcement message follows.

Dear ISED Colleagues,


A few of us have been experimenting with a ning (social networking) site
for Independent School Educators (the Classroom 2.0 site inspired its
creation)... It's at and is open to anyone. It
has the typical SNS features: profile pages, "friend" connections,
discussion forums, video upload, podcast upload, groups, tags, etc.
Participating is a great way to understand the power of social
networking sites, and share in this rich media transliterate multi-modal


Hope to talk to you online,



ps. Please forward this on to your faculty who may be interested in this
learning opportunity. It could become a good tool for professional
development in building communities of practice.


pps. Thanks to those who responded to my previous query about Tablet
PCs! I intend to collate the info and post it to the tablet group on
this ISEnet site.=20



Demetri Orlando

Battle Ground Academy

Franklin, TN =20


Twitter: demetri

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