Friday, February 12, 2010

Re: SIS Names configuration help

RE: "Here in the United States, people who divorce/remarry=

Hello, all,=0A=0ARE: "Here in the United States, people who divorce/remarry=
legally take on=0Athat new last name (and really don't want anything to do=
with their old=0Aname - at least in my experience with families)"=0A=0AIn =
the case of the parents, yes, but in the case of the students, it is often =
not that black and white. In many cases, a child in a family where one pare=
nt has remarried will have a hyphenated last name, or will have one legal n=
ame and another preferred name. I have seen this more frequently when the c=
hild is middle school or high school age (as opposed to elementary), and th=
e question of name/parental connection is ultimately tied to identity. What=
we need for record keeping doesn't always correspond to what the person fe=
els/thinks/needs.=0A=0ACheers,=0A=0ABill=0A=0A=0A=0A----- Original Message =
----=0AFrom: Jason Ramsden <>=0ATo: ISED-L@LISTSERV=
.SYR.EDU=0ASent: Fri, February 12, 2010 10:05:52 AM=0ASubject: Re: SIS Name=
s configuration help=0A=0AGentleman,=0A=0AI definitely see your point re: d=
ata structure as it is easy to add that field. However, when you note divor=
ce/remarry as an equivalent to what Derrel has asked regarding "Beatriz Isa=
bela Seixas dos Santos Cardoso" and her last name it is not the same. In he=
r case the preferred last name most likely is based on culture, no? (correc=
t me if I am wrong there Derrel as the below would then not apply). =0A=0AH=
ere in the United States, people who divorce/remarry legally take on that n=
ew last name (and really don't want anything to do with their old name - at=
least in my experience with families). In the case of "Beatriz Isabela Sei=
xas dos Santos Cardoso" it appears to be a matter of "official" or "legal" =
last name of record for government purposes in that country noting that her=
official name is her given name and from where she hails which is the need=
for the preferred last name.=0A=0APerhaps the conversation should not be c=
entered around preferred last name field as much as it should be structured=
around designing the system to have a report for travel document and/or go=
vernment reporting purposes that may pull from a secondary last name field?=
=0A=0AJust my two cents...=0A=0ADisclaimer: Ravenscroft School is also a Ve=
racross client.=0A---------------------------------------------------------=
----------------------=0AJason T. Ramsden; CTO @ Ravenscroft School (Raleig=
h, NC - USA)=0AMobile: 919.337.2244=0A=0A=0A=0A-----Original Message-----=
=0AFrom: A forum for independent school educators [mailto:ISED-L@LISTSERV.S=
YR.EDU] On Behalf Of Derrel Fincher=0ASent: Friday, February 12, 2010 12:13=
PM=0ATo: ISED-L@LISTSERV.SYR.EDU=0ASubject: Re: SIS Names configuration he=
lp=0A=0AThey are willing to make the change for our school, but due to the=
=0Astructure of their data, it would not carry over to all of the forms,=0A=
so I want to convince them that this is good for everybody. I had not=0Atho=
ught of the divorce/remarry issue, but that also happens here=0Afrequently.=
=0AThanks,=0ADerrel=0A-- =0ADerrel Fincher=0ADirector of Information and Co=
mmunication Technology=0AGraded - The American School of S=E3o Paulo=0Ahttp=
:// | (55 11) 3747-4800 x160=0A=0AOn Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 9:48=
PM, Bill Fitzgerald <> wrote:=0A> From a technical p=
lace, this is a very reasonable request. It could also be a useful feature =
in the case of families in the middle of divorce, or when a parent/guardian=
remarries.=0A>=0A> I would also use this as a way to assess the vendor -- =
if they are not able to adequately address this need, or explain why they w=
on't/can't address this need, it could foreshadow other things to come as t=
he relationship develops.=0A>=0A> Good luck with this --=0A>=0A> Cheers,=0A=
>=0A> Bill=0A>>=0A>=0A> ----- Original Message ----=0A> From: Derrel Finche=
r <>=0A> To: ISED-L@LISTSERV.SYR.EDU=0A> Sent: Thu,=
February 11, 2010 3:30:49 AM=0A> Subject: SIS Names configuration help=0A>=
=0A> Most SIS systems have a preferred (or nick) name field for replacing f=
irst=0A> names in the system with a preferred name. However, what are your =
thoughts=0A> on asking SIS vendors to have a preferred last name field as w=
ell? I am=0A> trying to make a case to our SIS vendor (Veracross), that thi=
s is a=0A> necessary feature.=0A>=0A> As an example, John Robert Smith migh=
t have Bob in the preferred name field=0A> so that teachers can call him Bo=
b, while John Smith is printed on the report=0A> card and transcript. There=
, we only need the preferred first name. However,=0A> we might have Beatriz=
Isabela Seixas dos Santos Cardoso, who is commonly=0A> knows as Isabela Se=
ixas. In this case, I can put Isabela in the preferred=0A> name field, but =
I have no way to indicate that her preferred last name is=0A> Seixas. For l=
egal reasons, we must have the full name in the system because=0A> they are=
used with travel documents for school trips.=0A>=0A> How many of you would=
find a preferred last name field useful, or do you=0A> have other suggesti=
ons?=0A> --=0A> Derrel Fincher=0A> Director of Information and Communicatio=
n Technology=0A> Graded - The American School of S=E3o Paulo=0A> http://www= | (55 11) 3747-4800 x160=0A>=0A=0A[ For info on ISED-L see https=
:// ]=0ASubmissions to ISED-L are=
released under a creative commons, attribution, non-commercial, share-alik=
e license.=0ARSS Feed,

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