Thursday, February 11, 2010

Re: SIS Names configuration help

From a technical place, this is a very reasonable request. It could also be=
a useful feature in the case of families in the middle of divorce, or when=
a parent/guardian remarries.=0A=0AI would also use this as a way to assess=
the vendor -- if they are not able to adequately address this need, or exp=
lain why they won't/can't address this need, it could foreshadow other thin=
gs to come as the relationship develops.=0A=0AGood luck with this -- =0A=0A=
Cheers,=0A=0ABill=0A=0A=0A=0A----- Original Message ----=0AFrom: Derrel Fin=
cher <>=0ATo: ISED-L@LISTSERV.SYR.EDU=0ASent: Thu, =
February 11, 2010 3:30:49 AM=0ASubject: SIS Names configuration help=0A=0AM=
ost SIS systems have a preferred (or nick) name field for replacing first=
=0Anames in the system with a preferred name. However, what are your though=
ts=0Aon asking SIS vendors to have a preferred last name field as well? I a=
m=0Atrying to make a case to our SIS vendor (Veracross), that this is a=0An=
ecessary feature.=0A=0AAs an example, John Robert Smith might have Bob in t=
he preferred name field=0Aso that teachers can call him Bob, while John Smi=
th is printed on the report=0Acard and transcript. There, we only need the =
preferred first name. However,=0Awe might have Beatriz Isabela Seixas dos S=
antos Cardoso, who is commonly=0Aknows as Isabela Seixas. In this case, I c=
an put Isabela in the preferred=0Aname field, but I have no way to indicate=
that her preferred last name is=0ASeixas. For legal reasons, we must have =
the full name in the system because=0Athey are used with travel documents f=
or school trips.=0A=0AHow many of you would find a preferred last name fiel=
d useful, or do you=0Ahave other suggestions?=0A-- =0ADerrel Fincher=0ADire=
ctor of Information and Communication Technology=0AGraded - The American Sc=
hool of S=E3o Paulo=0A | (55 11) 3747-4800 x160=0A=0A[ =
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, non-commercial, share-alike license.=0ARSS Feed,

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