Monday, June 22, 2009

Student Computers on LCD Projector

Hi Everyone,

My middle school science teacher is getting a whole new science center =
this summer, and he wants tech to be like "Minority Report." :)

One thing I am not sure how to do easily is this:

Students will be working on experiments and one of them will want to =
look up something online. They grab a laptop, find something, and then =
they want to quickly share it with the rest of the class on the LCD =
projector. =20

The way we do it now, is the student copies the link to the student =
share folder, goes over to the teacher computer that is hooked up to the =
LCD projector, opens up the share folder and clicks on the link.

Is there a way to do this more easily? Is there any quick way to screen =
share from a student computer to a teacher computer? Or, is there a way =
to set up wireless VGA that any computer can connect to on the fly?

One other caveat is that we decide on computer platform based on what =
best supports curriculum. For our science class this means a Mac =
running OSX.5 for the teacher, 6 PCs running XP Pro, 6 Macs running =
OSX.4 for the students.


Renee Ramig
Seven Hills School

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