Saturday, April 3, 2010

Re: Is a school's core curriculum like a music CD?


Thanks for sharing your insights!

Given your background I'm curious if you would share your thoughts on what,
following Clayton Christensen, I'll call the innovator's dilemma. Many of us
working in independent schools would like to push our schools to be more
student centered and project based. However, our administrators, trustees
and student families aren't interested in significant change. Christensen,
in his research on technology companies, found it was practically impossible
for a company to implement a disruptive innovation BECAUSE their existing
customers essentially said, we aren't interested in that. So how do you
convince an institution controlled by its customers, customers who don't
want disruptive change, to make the changes needed to thrive in the new
world you so effectively describe?


Fred Bartels
Dir. of Info. Tech.
Rye Country Day School

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