Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Key School professional development seminars

Dear Colleagues,

Good news! The Key School is able to extend early bird pricing through May =
14 for its interdisciplinary professional development seminars, Engaging Mi=
nds, Inspiring Ideas, www.keyschool.org<http://www.keyschool.org>
What: full day seminars on six contemporary topics: Media Literacy, Mindful=
ness in Education, Bioethics, U.S. Congress, Outdoor Education, and Global =
When: June 17 and 18
Where: The Key School, Annapolis, Maryland
Who: led by master teachers and researchers
How: for more information and to register online, visit www.keyschool.org<h=
For an example of seminar offerings, please see Bioethics below. The semina=
r leaders are Karl Haigler, founder of Bioethics in Action, www.bioethics-i=
> ,and Brian Michaels, Upper School science teacher/head of Outdoor E=
ducation at Key School. They have been collaborating for several years.

Biological research and its applications, coupled with technological advanc=
es, are presenting new choices and new dilemmas for our society. The ethica=
l questions surrounding issues such as cloning, designer babies, geneticall=
y engineered crops, and brain chip technology have no clear-cut, simple ans=
The study of bioethics can enrich high school classes across the curriculum=
. As they examine and debate bioethics case studies, students consider scie=
ntific, ethical, legal, political, and social issues of import. They must e=
ngage in civil dialogue, weigh competing factors, and recognize the connect=
ion between decisions, actions and consequences, and their potential impact=
on our collective future.

We look forward to working with you!

Marilyn Meyerson
Director, Engaging Minds, Inspiring Ideas

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