Friday, April 9, 2010

Re: Lenovo X200T Inquiry

Hi Kris,
I'd echo Karen's comments on the x200t. Our experience has been that the to=
uch screen causes more trouble than it's worth (misinterpreted input), and =
on our touch screen Dells we generally turn off that feature and make it pe=
n only. When I tried the multi-touch at first release it was laughable comp=
ared to what Apple has. Perhaps it is better now. When we ordered the x200t=
we got the non-touch version (both to save money and because we didn't see=
the utility of touch). We will be getting the x201t for the coming year. W=
e've been happy with the Lenovos-- Screen brightness has been fine. I appre=
ciate the touch-screen of my iPhone, but I'm a big advocate of pen-based in=
put on the tablet platform. I don't understand Apple's reluctance to add a =
stylus (for note-taking capability) to the iPad. I suspect it has to do wit=
h their screen-sensing technology being designed for finger pressure, vs. t=
he precision required for the tip of a stylus. If the iPad had this I would=
be taking a serious look at it. Fred's got a discussion going on this topi=
c on the ning:

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