Monday, March 15, 2010

Re: Library vs. Technology Staff Roles

A forum for independent school educators <ISED-L@LISTSERV.SYR.EDU> writes:
>Technology and Library in the 21st Century -- Defining Roles
>*Who teaches research skills and tools?
The middle and upper school reference librarians.
>Who works with the teachers when students are doing research projects?
>*Who make decisions on software purchases?
Professional library staff, in consultation with faculty.

>Hardware purchases?
The IT Department; if hardware is for the library, they consult with us
about any specialized equipment or specific needs the library staff
members have.
>Do you have separate budgets?
The library budget includes the database subscriptions; the IT budget
handles hardware.
>Who manages online subscriptions?
Our upper school reference librarian.

> Who trains people in their use?
middle and upper school reference librarians.
>Are you physically near each other or easily able to communicate with one
There is an IT office on the second floor of the library; the main office
is in the science building next to the largest computer lab on campus. We
have a very good working relationship with the IT folks.
>Do you have a Technology Committee and/or a Curriculum Technology
>Committee that meets regularly?
We have had Tech Committees in the past, but we do not have one actively
meeting this year.
>*Who purchases digital A-V equipment (including projectors and interactive
>whiteboards, but not including computers)?
The IT Department
>Who trains students/teachers in the use of those devices?
Teachers train students on using the whiteboards.
>*Who loans it out?
Each academic department has a digital camera; the department chairs are
responsible for circulating the camera and keeping track of it.
There are interactive whiteboards and projectors in the classrooms.
All other AV equipment is stored and circulated through the Buildings &
Grounds Office.

Milly Rawlings

Mildred S. Rawlings
Director, Hedges Library
Baylor School
171 Baylor School Road
Chattanooga, TN 37405
(423) 267-8506, ext. 209

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