Monday, March 22, 2010

Re: criteria for adding tech support

Here is some ideas from my experience...
- The ability to have time to think on how you could move the school forward
and current with technology practices.
- Have the ability to stop fighting fires day by day, and start on making
things work forever
- Find ways move the school forward with relatively new innovations in
educational technology
- Ability to have time to train faculty on improving their workflow with new
technology implementation
- Have time to make the network stable. If you are fighting fires, you just
have time to fix the network using patchwork techniques

Part of being a DOT is not about fixing and making technology work, but
finding ways on how technology can be used to improve the education system
at the school. If all you have time is to put out fires, then you are just
a system/network administrator with a DOT name.

It's like giving the headmaster (or Division Head) the responsibility to
maintain a high standard of education without an office administrator to
assist with menial duties of the job.

Brian Lee
Manlius Pebble Hill School

> From: Tom Jordan <tjordan@ELMWOODFRANKLIN.ORG>
> Reply-To: A forum for independent school educators <ISED-L@LISTSERV.SYR.EDU>
> Date: Mon, 22 Mar 2010 09:27:03 -0400
> Subject: criteria for adding tech support
> What criteria have been used to justify the need to expand help desk/tech
> support staff as the amount of equipment grows annually?
> Tom Jordan
> Elmwood Franklin
> Buffalo, NY
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