Monday, March 15, 2010

Re: Library vs. Technology Staff Roles

Who teaches research skills and tools? =20
Whomever is teaching the curriculum lesson. All research and technology =
skills are integrated. The classroom teachers work with the librarians =
and the tech team to create integrated lessons. They also might ask one =
or the other of us to do a mini lesson on some specific tool like =
finding information in a specific database. But, mostly the classroom =
teachers use the tools, so they also teach them with the support of the =
tech and librarians. =20

Who works with the teachers when students are doing research projects? =
The classroom teachers but the librarians will help as needed.

*Who make decisions on software purchases? Hardware purchases?
Hardware - Director of Technology with input from everyone
Software - Director of Technology with input from everyone
Online resources - Librarians and Director of Technology

Do you have separate budgets? Yes

Who manages online subscriptions? Who trains people in their use?
It has traditionally been the librarians, but it is moving out to the =
tech dept and classroom teachers.
The librarians do most of the training.

Do you have a common place for teachers and librarians to put up their =
links? Yes and No - some teachers have their own webpages which are =
linked off our main school webpage. Most teachers prefer to send their =
occasional updates to the webmaster to add to the main website.

Are you physically near each other or easily able to communicate with =
another? The library is in the center of campus. There is no location =
for the tech team as all technology is mobile, so communication happens =
as often as possible.

Do you have a Technology Committee and/or a Curriculum Technology
Committee that meets regularly? No

*Who purchases digital A-V equipment (including projectors and =
whiteboards, but not including computers)? Director of Technology

Who trains students/teachers in the use of those devices? =20
Classroom teachers.

*Who loans it out?
Educational Technology Specialist has been in charge of all technology =
loans, but we are looking at moving some of this to the library.

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