Monday, September 14, 2009

Re: Typing software recommendations?

We've used TypingMaster Pro for two years with fourth grade and I really
like the program. It's simple and intuitive with additional network and
reporting features. It saves the place of the student if they do not
complete a unit and it also has customizable typing tests (where you can
supply the sample copy if you want).

I looked at several programs and many had too many bells and whistles
(pictures/graphics/sound effects) that served to distract rather than
add value. I also found the interface for Type To Learn too confusing
(lack of bread crumbs to let you know where you are or when you're
progressing through the level). Typing Master includes a progress bar,
games at certain intervals and a stopwatch to let you know how much time
is left on a lesson.

Typing Master

Chris Mosier

Chris Mosier
Technology Coordinator
Turning Point School

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