It's free, and it is better than nothing. If you were able to recover 1-3
laptops out of 300, it would pay for itself back.
Brian Lee
Manlius Pebble Hill School
> From: Thomas Phelan <>
> Reply-To: A forum for independent school educators <ISED-L@LISTSERV.SYR.EDU>
> Date: Tue, 12 Jan 2010 17:32:20 -0500
> Subject: Re: tracking portable electronics
> I completely concur with Renee regarding the economics of computrace.
> For a number of years we negotiated with Computrace (only for recovering
> laptops) to get them to lower their per laptop cost for a fleet of computers
> for which their marginal cost for each computer was very small. I understand
> their retail price given they have to build the cost of support into the
> product, but the economics are quite different when discussing 750 computers
> as we sought to cover.
> Anyhow, Computrace never came close to the numbers that would have made any
> economic sense even adding in the hard to quantify benefit of knowing who
> stole a laptop. For us, it has been much cheaper to replace the stolen
> computers than it would have been to purchase Computrace each year.
> --
> Tom Phelan
> Director of Technology
> Peddie School
> On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 2:17 PM, Renee Ramig
> <>wrote:
>> We weighed the cost of monitoring versus the lost equipment and found it
>> to be more cost effective to replace equipment that was lost / broken
>> than pay for tracking. I have found that most of the smaller, entry
>> level technology (mp3 players, digital cameras, digital video cameras,
>> etc.), only last us 2-3 years if we are truly letting students use them
>> as much as possible. They are supplies not capital items. I think we
>> should track them like we would a library book, with some type of
>> check-out system.
>> As for laptops and high end peripherals, you might have tighter reigns
>> on how they are checked out and returned. We are pretty loose here, and
>> last year we lost three laptops (they disappeared) and had two broken.
>> (This does not include keyboards which break all the time, and Lenovo
>> just sends us out new keyboards under warranty.) That is only five out
>> of about 300, so a pretty good percentage and much cheaper to replace
>> than paying for tracking.
>> Renee Ramig
>> Seven Hills School
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: A forum for independent school educators
>> [mailto:ISED-L@LISTSERV.SYR.EDU] On Behalf Of Brian Lee
>> Sent: Tuesday, January 12, 2010 10:51 AM
>> Subject: Re: tracking portable electronics
>> For a more cost effective alternative, you can use Orbicule Undercover
>> for
>> the Mac.
>> Brian Lee
>> Manlius Pebble Hill School
>>> From: "Brown, Jill" <>
>>> Reply-To: A forum for independent school educators
>>> Date: Mon, 11 Jan 2010 13:40:41 -0700
>>> Subject: tracking portable electronics
>>> Can anyone recommend companies/programs that facilitate tracking
>> portable
>>> electronics to get them returned if they are stolen, for us to
>> recommend to
>>> our parents/students for their home owned equipment?
>>> I looked through the archives and came across one recommendation,
>> Computrace.
>>> Computrace is a school solution with Lo Jack being their home
>> solution. Any
>>> feedback on Lo Jack and/or other services?
>>> Thank you,
>>> Jill
>>> Jill R. Brown, PhD
>>> Director, Educational Technology
>>> Albuquerque Academy
>>> (505) 858-8831
>>> 6400 Wyoming Boulevard, NE
>>> Albuquerque, New Mexico 87109
>>> Fax (505) 828-3320
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