Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Re: Netvibes dashboard- Earthquake in Haiti

Also, from Andy Carvin, an RSS of a twitter field from NPR News -

On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 6:41 AM, Bigenho, Chris <>wrote:

> Having lived through the Northridge, CA earthquake and the Sylmar, CA
> earthquake years before that, I can only imagine what the people of Haiti
> must be experiencing. With all of the infrastructure and earthquake building
> codes in CA, we still had a tremendous disruption, communication failures
> and chaos. What it must be like in the poorest country in the western
> hemisphere...
> While not elegant, I did put together a quick mashup of social media sites
> pulled together through a public Netvibes page. Feel free to join the Diigo
> group and add information and resources for the Diigo group. If I get a
> chance, I will add additional resources.
> Netvibes dashboard- Earthquake in Haiti:
> Chris Bigenho
> Director of Educational Technology
> Greenhill School
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Vinnie Vrotny
Director of Academic Technology, North Shore Country Day School
Blog - Multi-Faceted Refractions (
Twitter, Skype, etc. - vvrotny

"If you have a chance to accomplish something that will make things better
for people coming behind you, and you don't do that, you are wasting your
time on this earth"

-Roberto Clemente

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