Patrick F. Bassett, President
N A T I O N A L A S S O C I A T I O N O F I N D E P E N D E N T S C H O=
1620 L St., NW, Washington, DC 20036
202.973.9710 (Office)
202.746.5444 (Cell)
202-247-9667 (Fax)<><http://www.nais.or=
From: []
Sent: Wednesday, January 13, 2010 10:36 AM
To: Bassett, Patrick
Subject: Call for Nominations: Distinguished Contributions to Public Servic=
e in a Pre-College Environment Award
Patrick Bassett, President
National Association of Independent Schools
Dear Mr. Bassett,
The IEEE Computer Society is soliciting nominations for its education award=
, "Distinguished Contributions to Public Service in a Pre-College Environme=
nt". To qualify for the award the candidate must have made significant con=
tributions for at least five years to further the profession and technical =
goals of the IEEE Computer Society in a pre-college environment. The award=
consists of a plaque and public announcement in Computer and press release=
s to colleagues and alma mater. The nomination deadline is 31 January 2010=
The purpose of the IEEE Computer Society is to advance the theory, practice=
, and application of computer and information processing science and techno=
logy while maintaining high professional standards. Its vision is to be t=
he leading provider of technical information, community services, and perso=
nalized services to the world's computing professionals. The candidate reco=
gnized for the "Distinguished Contributions to Public Service in a Pre-Coll=
ege Environment" award will have exemplified the Society's purpose and visi=
on in contributions made in the K thru 12 education environment.
There are educators out there who are impacting young lives every day-devel=
oping the next generation of computer scientists and computer engineers. We=
encourage you to nominate someone for the "Distinguished Contributions to =
Public Service in a Pre-College Environment" education award. Membership =
in the IEEE or the IEEE Computer Society is not required for either the nom=
inator or the nominee. Past recipients and the link to the nomination form =
can be found at
If you have any questions about the process or need further information, pl=
ease contact Thomas M. Conte, 2010 Awards Committee Chair at awards@compute=
Anita Wills
IEEE Computer Society -Washington Office
2001 L Street, NW, Suite 700, Washington DC 20036
Direct: +1 202 778 4708 Fax: +1 202 728 9614 Email:
IEEE. Fostering technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of =
Increase your core competencies. Join the IEEE Computer Society today
and raise your standards. Go to
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