Thursday, January 14, 2010

Federal Title II-A funds

I have a colleague who has as question for us.



Have any districts or non-pubic schools accessed Federal Title II-A =20
funds to purchase cell-phones, iPods or other hand-held devices for =20
their teachers, in order to train the teachers in how to use the =20
devices with students in the classroom?

I am basing my inquiry on the response cited below from the October 5, =20=

2006 NCLB Title II-A Guidance document.

E-10. May LEAs use Title II, Part A funds to purchase =20
supplies or instructional materials that are used as part of =20
professional development activities?

Yes, but only if the expenditures, like any costs paid for by =20
Federal program funds, are reasonable and necessary to carry out these =20=

activities. Title II, Part A funds may be used to purchase materials =20=

and supplies used in professional development activities, including =20
the materials (such as graphing calculators) that a teacher will need =20=

in order to apply the professional development in a classroom =20
setting. However, Title II, Part A does not permit the use of program =20=

funds to purchase materials and supplies (e.g., graphing calculators) =20=

that, although they may benefit students, are not directly connected =20
to the teachers=92 professional development. Other ESEA funds, most =20
notably Title V, Part A funds, may be used to purchase instructional =20
materials or technology for students if the purchases are part of an =20
=93innovative assistance program=94 as this term is used in Title V.

Dorothy Bialke, Principal
St. Raphael's Catholic School
7301 Bass Lake Road
Crystal, MN 55428

763-504-9450 ext. 352

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