g together information about the earthquake in Haiti. You will find a colle=
ction of feeds from various social media sites as well as individual pages =
linking to ways to help (as posted on CNN and NAIS sites), Haiti Facebook p=
age (an amazing display of humanity and what it means to be human), maps, i=
nteractive time line and information on seismology and specifically, the ge=
ology of other information about Haiti. I will add more as I find the time =
but most of the social media items will update themselves as they are feedi=
ng live into this dashboard. Feel free to join the Diigo group (linked on f=
irst page) where you can share and contribute resources. Anything you post =
to this group will feed to this page (resources, discussions etc.). I must =
warn you that much of the imagery is raw and painful to see- unfiltered. Bu=
t this is the event as the world is reporting it...as the Haitian people ar=
e reporting it...as the large media sources are reporting it. You will also=
find images of tremendous humanity scattered throughout. But the most touc=
hing part for me has been the posts on the Facebook page where people are l=
ooking for the missing. The following is just one of many examples from the=
Facebook page:
Cherlyne<http://www.facebook.com/cherlyne?ref=3Dmf> Chervin<http://www.face=
book.com/cherlyne?ref=3Dmf> I have not heard from my brother Allix Chervin =
(photo posted in my friends and family album). Please, look out for him and=
give me some info if you have any.
Chris Bigenho
Director of Educational Technology
Greenhill School
Dallas, TX
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