health and emergency records available to adults who accompany students on
field trips and oversees trips. We invariably end up printing out mounds of
paper that go in binders with the trip chaperons. I am always a bit uneasy
as to whether or not the data is up-to-date and if it will be available when
it's needed.
We have considered using electronic records stored on a USB drive, handheld
device, or computer but are leery of ER's and other emergency providers
accepting this information in the even that a student requires emergency
Does anyone have a solution that is working well for them other than paper?
Steve Taffee
Director of Technology 650.924.1040 (Google Voice)
Castilleja School 650.470.7725 (office)
1310 Bryant Street 415.613.6684 (mobile)
Palo Alto, CA 94301 |
Women Learning, Women Leading
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