Sunday, April 25, 2010

Bill Moyer's Journal - Next Week Is The Final Episode

For me, and I'm certain for many others, Bill Moyer's show has been a
shining beacon of hope and reason over the past 10 years.

He has introduced me to many thinkers, artists and activists who rarely, if
ever, get covered by the mainstream corporate-owned media.

Many times the stories told by his guests have brought tears to my eyes.

As educators we hold searching for the truth, and speaking the truth, as two
of our most essential values.

More than any other journalist I'm aware of, Moyers has lived by those

If you don't watch Moyers often please consider taking a moment to watch his
interviews this week with William Black and Michal Copps.

We will be losing a giant voice for democracy with Moyer's retirement.

Let's hope others will step in to fill the void.


Fred Bartels
Dir. of Info. Tech.
Rye Country Day School

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