being paperless, when possible, is a valuable goal. Transistions are a difficult thing;
all we have to do is look into our 21st classrooms from a pair of 19th century eyes.
Within a week those eyes would discern that the instruction is the same, the tools are
[Most of the time, however, I don't print; for myself I add instructions to my iPod
Touch, then use that to follow instructions.]
If we want to think differently we need to teach differently. Our purpose must be to
think about the future of our students that will be fractally out of sync with our own.
Wow is that hard!
Who said teaching is an easy job?
David F. Withrow
Director of Technology
Harford Day School
Bel Air, Maryland 21014
voice: 410 879 2350 ex 33
fax: 410 836 5918
skype: dfwithrow
The test of the morality of a society is what it does for its children.
- Dietrich Bonhoeffer
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice, there is.
- Yogi Berra
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