Friday, October 23, 2009

Student (mis)behavior on the Internet - examples, please

I am putting together a program for high school students focused on
digital citizenship and behavior on the Internet. While there are many
extreme examples out there of the consequences of bad behavior, I
thought it would be helpful to have some less extreme, more local
examples as well. I won't mention your school, I promise - but I wonder
if you will share instances you have had to deal with locally - both
behavior and consequences - that might guide other students.


You are welcome to share these off list. I will compile them and share
the examples with everyone (no schools mentioned) once I have a good
collection. I will also post the presentation on the ISEnet Internet
Safety page.




Jenni Swanson Voorhees

Lower School Technology Director

All-School Academic Technology Coordinator

Sidwell Friends School



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