Tuesday, May 5, 2009

recording devices/ smart pen in classes ??

Dear ISED-L Colleagues,

I am wondering what other schools think about students using smart pens or
other recording devices in classes. I know that many college students
regularly record class lectures. Is this trend moving downward and being
adopted by younger students?

-- Do you have students who regularly record teacher lectures and other
classroom activities?
-- Do any of you have policies that address these online tools? Middle
school? Upper school?

Your thoughts please.

Marti Weston

LMS Technology Coordinator, Georgetown Day School
mweston@gds.org 202-295-6180 FAX 202-295-6181

Co-Manager, Independent School Educator's Listserv (ISED-L)
For info on ISED-L see http://www.gds.org/ISED-L

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