Tuesday, May 5, 2009

NAIS website membership

Maybe everyone else in the world knows this, so apologies to the
cognoscenti. Also for the cross-posting:

The NAIS website has a whole bunch of password-protected content; much of
which is pretty useful. I've had a password for I don't know how long, but
I don't know why.

Turns out that all I ever did was go to www.nais.org and create a profile
for myself by clicking the link in the upper right. Because I work at an
NAIS member school, I am automatically eligible for membership, which
means access to the stuff behind the log-in, discounts on NAIS
publications, etc.

I was speaking with someone at NAIS, and they said they wished more of us
were website member-users.

So I'm doing my part. If you aren't a website member but work at an NAIS
school, check it out.

Cheers--Peter Gow

Peter Gow
Director of College Counseling and Special Programs
Beaver Country Day School
791 Hammond Street
Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts 02467
617-738-2755 (O)
617-738-2747 (F)
petergow3 (Skype)

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