The goal for the project was to come up with ways to provide many of the benefits of video publishing like You Tube but in a more controlled environment using completely FOSS (Free Open Source Software) tools.
Hoover Chan
Technology Director
Schools of the Sacred Heart
2222 Broadway St.
San Francisco, CA 94115
----- "Adrian Bica" <> wrote:
> I remember seeing a thread for something similar some time ago so I
> apologize if this is a repeat:
> Is anybody using a good alternative to Google Video to safely post
> student
> created movies and movies of students for viewing to their community?
> I used to use the Google Video and it was somewhat OK but now I filled
> out
> my account with movies and don't want to buy their "professional"
> services
> (yes I am that cheap) so I created a new account.... which now throws
> me at
> YouTube where I have very little control over sharing. I can limit it
> to 25
> email addresses and that's about it...
> I also Google Apps for my domain and I have enabled my Video service
> there
> but the sharing is again very limited so I am looking for
> alternative.
> Thanks a lot!
> --
> Adrian Bica
> Director of Communications
> and Educational Technology
> Saklan Valley School
> 1678 School Street
> Moraga, CA 94556
> Tel: 925-376-7900
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