Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Re: mass cellphone text messaging to students

Being an old hand at managing mailing lists, I put one together using my mailing list engine of (current) choice taking advantage of the cell phone carriers' SMS to SMTP gateways.

The following Web page is an incredible resource when developing one of these things:


I know this all works on a small scale but what I haven't been able to determine yet is whether the gateways have anti bulk e-mail measures which could cause a problem when really doing a mass SMS push. Do any of you have a feel for this?

Hoover Chan chan@sacredsf.org
Technology Director
Schools of the Sacred Heart
2222 Broadway St.
San Francisco, CA 94115

----- "Dave Aykroid" <daykroid@lfanet.org> wrote:

> Has anyone deployed text messaging as a means to reach
> students/parents for emergency notification (or to announce school
> closings, etc.)? If so, which hosted service or software product?
> Thanks in advance,
> Dave Aykroid
> Director of Information Technology
> Lake Forest Academy
> 1500 W. Kennedy Rd.
> Lake Forest IL 60045
> Voice 847.615.3211
> Fax 847.615.4861
> www.lfanet.org <http://www.lfanet.org/>
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