Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Re: Scratch - Programming Curriculum


Colleen Lewis at UC Berkeley has been working with Scratch and
will be using it in a summer institute program with middle school
students (BFOIT). She is also going to do some course this summer
that involves both Scratch and Logo. I've been exchanging e-mail
with her since I work with Logo for BFOIT. She mentioned something
about making revisions to her Scratch curriculum before these
classes. She currently has her Scratch worksheets on her homepage:

I want to have Colleen's BFOIT class materials on our website by
or shortly after this summer's program.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Adrian Bica" <>
Subject: Scratch - Programming Curriculum

> Does anyone care to share a programming curriculum using Scratch from MIT?
> --
> Adrian Bica
> Director of Communications
> and Educational Technology
> Saklan Valley School
> 1678 School Street
> Moraga, CA 94556
> Tel: 925-376-7900

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