pular titles loaded. Others are waiting, such as our school to see what tex=
tbooks will become available via the Kindle. I was encouraged to read the s=
ame Wall Street article.
Jean M. Bruce, MLS
The Ensworth School
Devon Farm Campus
Head Librarian/AP Coordinator
Nashville, TN 37221
615 301 5416
On 5/6/09 7:45 AM, "Backon, Joel" <jbackon@choate.edu> wrote:
There was an article in yesterday's Wall Street Journal about Case Western =
Reserve University in Cleveland, OH providing incoming students with the ne=
w larger Kindle, preloaded with several textbooks.
(may be a page protected by subscription, but should be reported elsewhere)
On 5/6/09 7:50 AM, "Barbara Streuli" <bstreuli@rockyhill.org> wrote:
Good Morning:
One of our English teachers approached me yesterday and asked if I had hear=
of any school that is exploring the use of the kindle (or something
comparable) in its curriculum. So I turn to this group for my answer: any
potential kindle users out there?
Barbara Streuli
Technology Specialist
Rocky Hill School
530 Ives Road
East Greenwich, RI 02818
401 884-9070 ext 118
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Joel Backon
Director of Academic Technology / History
Choate Rosemary Hall
333 Christian St.
Wallingford, CT 06492
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