version 1.9.2
2. What add-ons do you have installed?
Gallery, Themes by New School Learning
3. How are you currently using it within your school?
Primarily in the middle school. Used to track assignments, online
discussions/forums and some teachers use it to turn in work (uploaded
Word docs). Elementary uses it for newsletter postings and photo albums
4. What requirements do you have for it's use?
Middle School faculty required to keep their homework up-to-date,
elementary update once a month
5. Do you allow outside access (parents/public)?
not public, parents have access
6. What is your Moodle server running on?
Ubuntu, Apache. IBM desktop with 2GB RAM.
7. Do you host it yourself or do you have it outsourced?
host ourselves
8. Do you handle support?
in-house, not too much support, box runs well
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