School Name: Miller School, Charlottesville, VA
Number of Machines: 100 student-owned machines, 100 school-owned machines
Bandwidth: 2.316 Mbit/s (1.5 x T1)
Number of Students: 150
Number of Faculty/Staff: 50
Cache Server: None
I'd love to receive the results!
--Kristopher Baker
Kristopher "KC" Baker
Director of Information Technology
Miller School of Albemarle
1000 Samuel Miller Loop
Charlottesville, Virginia 22903
(434) 823-4805 ext. 246
>>> "Manns, Brian" <> 12/8/2008 2:51 PM >>>
This one is for all Boarding schools. Need to do a comparison of
Boarding schools internet. If you could please provide the following
School Name Number of laptops/PCs Bandwidth Number of
Students Number of Faculty/Staff Cache Server if Yes what
Thanks for all who participate if anyone wants the list after compiling
I will share for all....
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