Monday, September 27, 2010

Purchasing mailing lists for Mailings

Dear Admissions Directors and Independent School Educators,

In our community, because there are no child-centered publications for teens
or parents of teens,
we have a difficult time reaching families of 11-17 year olds who don't come
from one of the known
feeder schools in our area. Reaching parents of children in public schools
is especially difficult.

To reach a wider audience directly, we are considering purchasing a list
and doing either an email or physical post card mailing
to families in our area (specifying zip code, income levels, and children's

If any of you have purchased such lists, could you give me some feedback on
specific providers or sources that you
have used that you might recommend?

I will be happy to share any information that I gather with others.

Cynthia Druley
Director of Admissions

Georgiana Bruce Kirby Preparatory School
425 Encinal Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Phone: 831-423-0658 x202
Fax: 831-423-0679

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