Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Language labs in 1:1 schools?

Hi all,

I'm at a new-to-me school this year. I came from a 1:1 environment and the
new school is 1:1 as well. What a fun adventure it's been to learn how
things work here! It's sort of like people say about the UK and the US--two
countries divided by a common language.

One thing that has come up is a strong desire for a language lab by the
World Languages department chair. I was caught off-guard by the request
because I assumed that in the 1:1 environment, a lab of computers and
headsets for foreign language would be redundant. Then I remembered what we
say about assuming and thought I'd better do some research. The amazing
school computer wiki maintained by ISENET and the apparently tireless
Demetri Orlando did not offer much.

I have a 10 question almost entirely multiple choice
I am hoping others will complete about language labs. I used a Google
docs form, so the results are published nearly instantly (the link is on the
bottom of the survey, but you do have to cut and paste).

Please share this with anyone you feel could contribute or might find the
results helpful.

Thank you,

Sarah Hanawald
Dean of Academic Affairs
Cannon School
Concord, NC

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