Monday, January 11, 2010

Re: Dr. Willard (Bill) Daggett

Years ago, Hans Morganthau said that 75 percent of everything that is
to come has a precedent. I swallowed the GREENING OF AMERICA and
FUTURE SHOCK predictions and am now reformed. Do we run around
shouting about "21st century skills" in ways similar to the movie, "La
Dolce Vita"?

On Jan 11, 2010, at 6:24 PM, Ann Hamel wrote:

> Good Colleagues,
> Is anyone familiar with Dr. Bill Daggett? I have searched the
> archives for
> mention of this gentleman from the International Center for
> Leadership and
> have come up empty handed. I heard him speak to a group of public
> school
> administrators and their school committees last week about how
> schools need
> to change for the future and how we are not even coming close,
> despite all
> our talk about 21st Century Learning Skills, to facing the reality
> of real
> and immediate change. He gave a charismatic presentation and I was
> impressed
> that at least one of the schools in attendance was there to kick of
> some
> strategic planning. I am prompted to ask if anyone out there is more
> familiar with him or the work of his center. He gives a compelling
> argument
> for immediate and dramatic change in schools to change from making
> decisions
> that are often adult-centered to making sure that everything we do is
> student-centered. He peppered his remarks with comments about how
> it can
> takes schools weeks or months to talk about if we should change the
> bells in
> school, but avoiding even the notion that we are not preparing our
> students
> for the 21st century by having them in the structure and mindset of
> 20th
> century schools. I am curious to hear from others who have heard or
> worked
> with these folks. For me, some of his ideas were ringing very true.
> Thanks,
> Ann Hamel
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