From: A forum for independent school educators on behalf of Ademola =
Sent: Fri 5/15/2009 7:12 PM
Subject: Web Site Management within Schools
Curious to know what kind of internal structure other schools have in =
to manage their websites... Especially, those schools that have =
(Finalsite, Whippe Hill...) the development and hosting of their web
Website: Whipplehill (private side & public side)
- Is it strictly owned, controlled, and managed by your =
The Communications department has primary responsibility for all content =
and management of the site, both on the private and public side of the =
site. They provide user support with navigational issues and access to =
content (usernames, passwords, role assignments, role functions allowed)
- Does Academic Administration have the opportunity to alter the site
(with strict permissions)?
Yes, all departments have been trained to manage their own pages: =
yearheads, librarians, counselors, administration, after school activity =
coordinator, athletics, committee chairman, etc.. The Communication =
department can set rules on whether content must be reviewed before =
displayed, but for the most part these departments can post News, =
uploads, pictures, etc. without the Communication Department granting =
- How much of a role does the internal Tech staff have with the site?
Assist with technical operation of the site, provide assistance with =
user management (mass uploads, changes, passwords, usernames, etc.)
- Do you employ a FT/PT webmaster?
Communications department employs a full-time webmaster.
- Who within the school attended training on how to utilize the CMS?
Thanks in advance.
Ademola Popoola
Sacred Heart Schools
A. Popoola
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