Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Re: NAIS website membership

Thanks Peter for getting the word out. Here's a shameless plug that a
few of us have been running a blog on doing Tech in an Economic Downturn
for NAIS schools on the NAIS website. We would love for you to login
and join the discussion!

Jeff Ritter
Director of Technology
St. John's School
2401 Claremont Ln.
Houston, TX 77019

Peter Gow wrote:
> Maybe everyone else in the world knows this, so apologies to the
> cognoscenti. Also for the cross-posting:
> The NAIS website has a whole bunch of password-protected content; much of
> which is pretty useful. I've had a password for I don't know how long, but
> I don't know why.
> Turns out that all I ever did was go to and create a profile
> for myself by clicking the link in the upper right. Because I work at an
> NAIS member school, I am automatically eligible for membership, which
> means access to the stuff behind the log-in, discounts on NAIS
> publications, etc.
> I was speaking with someone at NAIS, and they said they wished more of us
> were website member-users.
> So I'm doing my part. If you aren't a website member but work at an NAIS
> school, check it out.
> Cheers--Peter Gow
> Peter Gow
> Director of College Counseling and Special Programs
> Beaver Country Day School
> 791 Hammond Street
> Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts 02467
> 617-738-2755 (O)
> 617-738-2747 (F)
> petergow3 (Skype)
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