Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Re: Moodle Books

I have found these two very helpful:

I especially like ordering them as e-books from PACKT -- so easy to search!

Lisa Pedicini
Director of Technology Integration and eLearning
The Spence School

At 12:36 PM -0400 5/5/09, A forum for independent school educators wrote:
>Hi Barbara,
>I'm not sure if you've seen this page on the Moodle website:
>It is a collection of books related to Moodle. I personally have
>found the "Using Moodle" book to be very helpful in designing
>courses and setting up the system. There is also a great reference
>tool in the Moodle discussion forums on the Moodle site. They have
>been very helpful in answering some of my questions. I'd also be
>more than happy to answer any questions that you all might have.
>Kristopher Wiemer
>Academic Technology Coordinator
>Deerfield Academy
> Please consider the environment before printing this email.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: A forum for independent school educators
>Behalf Of Barbara Streuli
>Sent: Tuesday, May 05, 2009 12:24 PM
>Subject: Moodle Books
>Good Morning, ISEDers.
>We are in the process of installing a test Moodle server in order to explore
>the possibility of moving from blackboard to Moodle. The gentleman who is
>in charge of this project is looking for some good reference material for
>Moodle. He wants more than just a manual that tells you what to do. He is
>looking for something written by someone who has really used the system and
>can offer some value judgments on what choices work best, what options make
>it a better system. Not sure if that is clear, but hopefully someone will
>have some suggestions.
>Barbara Streuli
>Technology Specialist
>Rocky Hill School
>530 Ives Road
>East Greenwich, RI 02818
>401 884-9070 ext 118
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