here at St. Catherine's School where we have about a 60% Mac / 40% PC
ratio. Instead of using Open Directory on an XServe, I'm going the
other way and using our 2008 domain controllers for the Macs to
authenticate against. You have done far more than I have with
scripting, etc., however, it might be an idea to change your direction
and look into authenticating against AD instead of OD. Fortunately,
10.5 makes authenticating into AD fairly easy.
I've recently attended a strong presentation Apple put in in Reston,
VA specifically relating to introducing Macs in a mixed platform
environment. Might be an idea to contact your Apple rep and see if
such an event may be coming up near you.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions you might have at or 804-288-2804.
Have a good one!
System Administrator
St. Catherine's School
Richmond, VA.
On Tue, May 5, 2009 at 11:40 AM, Deb Cusack <> wrot=
> Please pardon the cross posting. The following is being submitted for my
> Business Manager.
> We are interested in talking with schools that have successfully
> configured their networks with functionality similar to our's. =A0I will =
> and briefly outline how our system operates here at Gordon.
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