We have 4 eReaders now (1 Kindle1, 1 Kindle2, 1 Sony eReader, and 1 iRex
iliad). We are planning on buying our library 5 Kinde2's and they will do
some collection development so they can make them available in September.
Still some concerns on a number issues (licenses, notes, etc.). However
we think they will be a great resource for students.
A forum for independent school educators <ISED-L@LISTSERV.SYR.EDU> writes:
>Check with Jan Beattie at the Colorado Academy
>-----Original Message-----
>From: A forum for independent school educators
>[mailto:ISED-L@LISTSERV.SYR.EDU] On Behalf Of Barbara Streuli
>Sent: Wednesday, May 06, 2009 5:50 AM
>Subject: ISED: kindle
>Good Morning:
>One of our English teachers approached me yesterday and asked if I had
>of any school that is exploring the use of the kindle (or something
>comparable) in its curriculum. So I turn to this group for my answer:
>potential kindle users out there?
>Barbara Streuli
>Technology Specialist
>Rocky Hill School
>530 Ives Road
>East Greenwich, RI 02818
>401 884-9070 ext 118
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>[ For info on ISED-L see http://www.gds.org/ISED-L ]
>Submissions to ISED-L are released under a creative commons, attribution,
>non-commercial, share-alike license.
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Daniel M. Weir, Chief Information Officer
Noble & Greenough School
10 Campus Drive
Dedham, MA 02026
Tel: 781-320-7111
Fax: 781-320-1329
Cell: 781-760-1986
[ For info on ISED-L see http://www.gds.org/ISED-L ]
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