Wednesday, May 6, 2009

How do your students turn in assignments electronically?

Using Novell for our network OS, we've been giving teachers folders on the =
network in which they have Classroom Copy, Drop, Shared, and Portfolio fold=
ers for their students. Teachers have full read/write access to all of thes=
e. Students have read-only access to Copy, write-only to drop, read/write t=
o Shared, and read/write to their individual Portfolio folders. This part o=
f our Novell network has served us well.=20

This summer we are moving to a Microsoft Windows 2008 environment. With thi=
s move, we'll also lose access to the "Drop" folder. It's been incredibly c=
onvenient for our faculty to be able to pull a single folder to a desktop f=
or correcting. We've been told by our consultants that students can submit =
work via Portfolio folders (teachers would have to "collect" work from each=
folder separately) or via Shared folders (risking student deletion or copy=

Long path to short question - What's your preferred method of collecting wo=
rk electronically?

Garry Clum Jr
Network Manager
St. Paul Academy and Summit School
1712 Randolph Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55105

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