Monday, November 24, 2008

Do It With Drupal, New Orleans, December 10-12th

Hello, all,

For those of you working with Drupal and Social Media in your schools, there is an upcoming seminar in New Orleans about both of these topics:

The speaker list includes a cross section of people working in Social Media and people well versed in Drupal. If you are currently working with Drupal and/or looking to expand the use of social media within your school, this seminar will be an excellent place to hone these ideas.

The conference organizers have also set up a registration code with a 10% discount for people working within education. Enter EDUCATION as you check out to receive the discount.

I will be attending this seminar; while I'm not associated with the organization of the event, I'm looking forward to meetup and the discussions, both in and out of sessions.



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