Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Re: Web 2.0

On Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 10:55 AM, Renee Ramig
<> wrote:
> We are trying to implement Web 2.0 tools here (blogs, wikis,
> voicethread, nings, etc.) with mixed results. If you have time, could
> you answer the following (and add anything you that would help):
> GRADES 6-8
> 1. In grades 6-8, have you used Web 2.0 Tools?

> 2. If so, which tools?

> 3. If not, why not?
I want to use VoiceThread, wikis and nings more, but just haven't felt
I've had the time to ensure I'm using them to further genuine
educational goals and not just be fun add-ons.

> 4. How are the Web 2.0 tools set up - can all students post, edit? Can
> just one class post and view? Can everyone in a give grade? Everyone
> in middle school? Parents? Others outside the school?
The blogs are set up so only middle school students can see them. They
can comment on each other's postings.

> 5. Have you done anything that involves communicating with other
> schools (blogs, Twitter, epals, etc.)?
Shared blogs. ePals. Videoconferencing.

> 6. Have you set up any type of Social Networking at the school?
We use FirstClass and have a few socially-oriented folders, if that counts.

Take care,
Bill Ivey
Stoneleigh-Burnham School

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