Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Re: Web 2.0

Responses below

On Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 9:55 AM, Renee Ramig <>wrote:

> We are trying to implement Web 2.0 tools here (blogs, wikis,
> voicethread, nings, etc.) with mixed results. If you have time, could
> you answer the following (and add anything you that would help):
> 1. In the K-5 grades, have you used Web 2.0 Tools (Wikispaces, Blogs,
> VoiceThread, Other)?

We are primarily using Blogs and VoiceThread. We are beginning to use Google
Apps for Education for collaborative documents, forms, and Custom Search.

> 4. Do you set it up for just students in your class to access it, or
> can others (parents, other classes, the world) view it?

In the Lower School, we open some of it up for the world, and some is built
behind a walled garden.

> 5. If you set it up for others to view (other than students), who
> views?

Our 1st Grade blogs and skypes with other classes during its Community Unit.
Our third grade publishes podcasts and VoiceThreads to the larger community.
Our fifth grade shares its documentaries in the spring. We will be sharing
our Google Sketchup/Google Earth Mayan Village creations this winter.

> ---
> GRADES 6-8
> 1. In grades 6-8, have you used Web 2.0 Tools?

We are using Moodle, and are beginning to implement blogs, podcasts, wikis,
and Nings in the Middle School.

> 4. How are the Web 2.0 tools set up - can all students post, edit? Can
> just one class post and view? Can everyone in a give grade? Everyone
> in middle school? Parents? Others outside the school?

Depends on the project. Some are walled gardens that we want to build
community. Some are open for exchanges and use by parents and classes around
the world.

> 5. Have you done anything that involves communicating with other
> schools (blogs, Twitter, epals, etc.)?

We do use some of these tools (Twitter) for use by faculty, but not with
students yet. Most are not 13.

> 6. Have you set up any type of Social Networking at the school?
> The students have begun to use Moodle as their social network. We are
implementing a private ning for the 8th grade.

Vinnie Vrotny
Blog - Multi-Faceted Refractions

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