Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Re: Looking for Browser Based Hosted Email Solution (UNCLASSIFIED)

We've deployed Google Apps with great success - it was the perfect
solution given our needs when we made the switch. If you change your
mind or are able to convince administrators otherwise, I'd be happy to
talk to you about our migration. Any problems we've had with it have
been on our end (mostly in ISP uptime and aging infrastructure) - our
uptime has been 100%, IMAP migration worked swimmingly, and converting
address books took very little time and was very easy. Those willing to
learn learned GApps VERY quickly and have grown to adore it (especially
GChat and Calendaring). Those unwilling to leave their traditional
clients haven't had to be forced. It supports IMAP and POP, and
therefore most mail clients. There will always be detractors to changes
in software, but overall, it was a smart move for us and has saved us
time and money.


Keith E Gatling wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 8, 2008 at 10:33 AM, Johnson, Jason P Mr WRAMC_Wash DC <
> Jason.Johnson3@amedd.army.mil> wrote:
>> Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
>> Caveats: NONE
>> I wondered if anyone has a good web browser-based, hosted email
>> recommendation with the following caveats:
>> --My initial recommendation was Google's education solution but it is
>> currently out of the running due to negative experiences with the gmail
>> service when administrators used it for personal email.
> May I ask what the negative experiences with personal email were?
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