Thursday, April 24, 2008

Re: Strategic Planning - Technology

1. Are your technology positions separated into instructional and
technical or are the positions combined? Separated for the most part
(see #2 below)

>2. What are the titles and general duties of your technology dept.,
>instructional and technical?
We have one technician (technical only)
One Ed Tech Person (educational only, but will do troubleshooting if
problems happen while she is in the classroom)
One Director (oversees both Technician and Ed Tech person, does both
tech and education)

>3. Does your school have a 1-to-1 program?
No, but we are hoping to go 1-to-1 within two years. (We are 2-to-1 now
in our 4th - 8th grades, and 3-to-1 in our K-3 classes, all using mobile
carts. Students do not currently take computers home.)

Renee Ramig
Seven Hills School

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