My school is PK-12, but our middle school campus is grades 4-8. We
have a Lower House of grades 4-5 and an Upper House of grades 6-8.
We actually change the model gradually over 4 years to move the
children from a self-contained classroom in 4th to a departmentalized
schedule by 7th grade. I'm grossly simplifying, but it's a structure
that has worked for a long time--at least the 18 I've been there.
You can email me offline if you want to know more.
John Zurcher
Director of Admissions & Financial Aid
The Montclair Kimberley Academy
201 Valley Road
Montclair, NJ 07042
973.509.7930/4526 fax
On Apr 6, 2008, at 4:08 PM, Mark Segal wrote:
> Are there any educators out there who have 4-8 grade Middle
> Schools? If
> so, do you have an "upper" and "lower" middle school? Or, do any of
> you
> have suggestions of what we can "call" ourselves?
> I am looking forward to your feedback.
> Mark
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