Sunday, April 6, 2008

ISED- School Naming

Good Afternoon,

My school, a 6-12 grade independent day school, will merge with a PS-3
independent school this July. We are, over the next two years, going to
add a 4th and 5th grade. Thus far, we have called grades 6-8 the Middle
School. Starting next year, however, grades 4-8 will be considered the
Middle School though we know the educational setting (self-contained
classrooms vs. students moving from class to class) will be different. Our
school administration is trying to come to consensus on what to call

Are there any educators out there who have 4-8 grade Middle Schools? If
so, do you have an "upper" and "lower" middle school? Or, do any of you
have suggestions of what we can "call" ourselves?

I am looking forward to your feedback.


Mark A. Segal
Head of Middle School,
St. Andrew's Episcopal School
8804 Postoak Road
Potomac, MD 20854
(301)983-5200 ext.234

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