Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Scheduling software


We are in the process of looking for new scheduling software.

Our SIS does not have a scheduler that works in the high school =20
environment; in other words, it is based on the higher education model =20
of courses are set and then students enroll into a set schedule. Our =20
school operates with course requests. The solution needs to be able to =20
accept requests and produce various schedules to evaluate. It must =20
integrate easily with a SQL database.

Any suggestions, products, or experiences would be welcomed.

Thank you in advance.


Andrew J. Speyer

Director of Information Technology Services
Choate Rosemary Hall
333 Christian Street
Wallingford, CT 06492

[voice] 203.697.2105
[help desk] 203.697.2572
[fax] 203.697.2596

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