Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Re: ISENET ning closing in on 3,000 members!

I tried to join this ning, and got a message that an email would be sent
to the address so I could complete the process. It has been 10 minutes,
is that normal?
Ann Masters

Fred Bartels wrote:
> The Independent School Educators ning ( will soon hit
> the 3,000 member mark.
> ISENET has become an incredibly valuable resource for independent school
> educators, and each new member just makes ISENET more valuable for all the
> members.
> If you are not yet a member you are missing a great opportunity to
> participate in a friendly and supportive community of independent school
> educators.
> With Web 2.0 technologies like Nings you can now easily reach out and engage
> with other educators facing the same challenges and questions facing you.
> Come join in the conversation!

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