Thursday, December 20, 2007

Ivoy Tower to Meet Web 2.0 (UNCLASSIFIED)

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED=20
Caveats: NONE

If your looking for something to ponder over the winter break there is a
nice write up on technologies (not all are truly Web 2.0) and their use
in education. Ars Techica is a on-line technical journal, but it was
started by students in Harvard's Divinity school and has an interesting
educational bent (since most of them actually teach classes).

It is a broad critique of the EDUCAUSE 2007 Horizon report which is,
occasionally, worth reading itself.


Jason Johnson - Program Director
Web Services Branch - Walter Reed Army Medical Center Ingenium (ISO
9001:2000 certified)
Office: 202-782-1047
Cell: 202-262-0516
Classification: UNCLASSIFIED=20
Caveats: NONE

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