technology. I know I probably sound like a broken record (if anyone =
knows what a record is anymore), but inappropriate use of technology =
should be dealt with as a behavior issue. If a student tears out pages =
from a textbook, I doubt they would be banned from using books in school =
anymore. If a student is caught on Facebook, then there should be =
consequences related to the behavior. This is NOT a technology issue. =
This is a behavior issue.
There are several schools that have gone 1 to 1 using student laptops. =
I know that Castilla School in Palo Alto recently did this. My =
recommendation is to contact schools that have this type of program in =
place to see what things they use to get it started, and what obstacles =
/ issues they have had and how have they dealt with it.
In saying that, I think there are four things you need in place for this =
to be successful: an onsite tech support person, a solid wireless =
network, board / administrative support, and solid professional =
development program. Teachers will only use technology on a regular =
basis in their class if the technology works. If there are constantly =
issues with the wireless, issues with students not being able to print, =
issues with students not having working computers, then they won't use =
it. There needs to be someone to help with tech issues available on =
campus everyday, and there needs to be a solid and robust wireless =
system in place.
The two final areas that I find are key to a successful technology =
program are administrative / board support and money available for =
professional development. The most successful pd we have used is =
mentoring. We pay teachers to mentor other teachers. My TIM =
(Technology Integration Mentor) program mentors meet with their mentee =
once a week for 30 minutes. The mentee knows they always have a teacher =
(rather than a tech person) they can go to for support. The board / =
administrative support needs to include the funding to support the =
program. There needs to be for the technology (infrastructure), an on =
site person, and for ongoing and significant professional development.
I hope all this helps. Good luck.
Renee Ramig
Seven Hills School
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